Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Pendulum Homework for Thursday

Pendulum homework

1.  When we say the “period of the pendulum,” what exactly do we mean?
2.  What does the period of a simple pendulum most depend on?
3.  What is the basic shape of the graph for the period of a pendulum versus its length?  Please draw this.
4.  What is the basic shape of the graph for the period of a pendulum versus the mass of the bob?
5.  Imagine that you have a “motion detector” set up close to the pendulum – something that could track the pendulum bob as it oscillates.  What might a graph of location/position versus time resemble for several oscillations?
6.  Where in the pendulum’s path does it come to a complete stop?
7.  Where in the pendulum’s path does it have maximum speed?
8.  Given what you know about energy, how might you describe the energy of the pendulum
9.  Calculate the period of a 3-m long pendulum.
10.  How long should a pendulum be so that it has a 0.5-s long period?
11.  How does the period of a pendulum depend on gravitational acceleration? 
12.  How does the period of a 1-m long pendulum vary on the Moon (versus the Earth)?  The acceleration due to gravity on the Moon is 1/6 that of Earth.  So, how does the period of oscillation compare (exactly) to that on Earth.  Try to come up with some type of comparative equation.

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